Saturday, October 4, 2008

Settling in Ephesus

Hello from Ephesus! As I said in my last post, Aquila and I decided to come to Ephesus with Paul. But, since we loved it so much, we decided to stay. Ephesus is located on the mouth of the Cayster River on the western coast of Asia Minor. Since it is the capital of Asia, many many people come through here every day. It is the perfect place to share the word of God to those coming through. Though I love Ephesus, it does contain the temple of Artemis, the Greek goddess of fertility. Sometimes, I walk by the temple and the stench of sin overwhelms me. I am always eager to get away, and try to avoid that place at all costs.

Love, Prisca

temple of Artemis (drawing)

ruins of the Temple of Artemis

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