"After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them, and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks." Acts 18:1-4
"Paul stayed on in Corinth for some time. Then he left the brothers and sailed for Syria, accompanied by Priscilla and Aquila. Before he sailed, he had his hair cut off at Cenchrea because of a vow he had taken." Acts 18:18
"Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John. He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately."
Acts 18:24-26
"Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus." Romans 16:3
"The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings. Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house." I Corinthians 16:19
"Greet Priscilla and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus." 2 Timothy 4:19
**Note: I noticed that Aquila is named first in the first verses, but towards the end, Priscilla is named first. Some historians believe that Priscilla was more influential in matters of the church, and therefore her name was mentioned first. What do you think?**
I used this site for most of my research. If you want more information, I suggest reading this outline of Priscilla and Aquila. http://www.biblebb.com/files/KSS/kss-pris.htm
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Farewell! Journey to Rome
Greetings brothers and sisters! Aquila and I have decided to move back to Rome. We feel that God has called us back to the center of the Roman empire, and a call to serve must be obeyed. I have personally loved spending part of my life here in Ephesus. I have seen so many people come to know the Lord! I want to give thanks to my Lord Jesus. Without him, my life would empty. Brothers and sisters in Ephesus, stand strong in the Lord. Wherever life takes you, remember that he is always there, always beside you and always in front of you. Paul, thank you for your kindness towards Aquila and I. I will be eternally grateful. Apollos, wherever the Lord has placed, may you be a shining light in a dark world. Continue to grow in his wisdom, and seek the advice of those older and wiser.
We love you all.
We love you all.
A New House Church
Hello again friends. Our house church here in Ephesus has been flourishing. I haven't mentioned anything about it before because of the small amount of faithful people. However, word has gotten out and our attendance has been growing. Praise the Lord! We meet every week in our house, and study the word of God. There are many men and women that know a lot about the scriptures, and I know that we are together not just because of chance. Paul has also written many letters, not to us directly, but we have read those that he has sent to other churches. It feels so good to hear the words of the apostle Paul.
Love, Prisca
Love, Prisca
A Guest
With so much going on lately, I have had little time to write. I will try to sum up the last couple of weeks in a format worth reading. Apollos accepted our invitation when Aquila and I offered him a bedroom in our house. Over the last couple of weeks, we have learned a lot about Apollos and have been able to give him good, solid instruction. He has listened well and seems very eager to soak up all the information and teachings we give him. He has become a great friend to both of us, and though he is leaving later in the week for Corinth, we will try to keep in touch.
Love, Prisca
Love, Prisca
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Meeting with Apollos
Wow! It has been a really busy, yet rewarding day. This morning, when we went to the synagogue, we heard a man named Apollos teaching. As soon as he was done teaching, Aquila and I rushed over to him. I invited him over to our house, and he accepted gratefully. He looked tired, hot and in need of a long bath. :) At the house, we learned more about Apollos. Originally from Alexandria, we immediately could tell that he knew the scriptures very well. Not only was he a learned man, but he was very willing and bold in his teaching (Aquila and I had noticed that in the synagogue). Perhaps he will be willing to listen to us, and it won't hurt to ask.
Love, Prisca
Love, Prisca
Settling in Ephesus
Hello from Ephesus! As I said in my last post, Aquila and I decided to come to Ephesus with Paul. But, since we loved it so much, we decided to stay. Ephesus is located on the mouth of the Cayster River on the western coast of Asia Minor. Since it is the capital of Asia, many many people come through here every day. It is the perfect place to share the word of God to those coming through. Though I love Ephesus, it does contain the temple of Artemis, the Greek goddess of fertility. Sometimes, I walk by the temple and the stench of sin overwhelms me. I am always eager to get away, and try to avoid that place at all costs.
Love, Prisca
temple of Artemis (drawing)
ruins of the Temple of Artemis
Love, Prisca
temple of Artemis (drawing)
ruins of the Temple of Artemis
Friday, October 3, 2008
Christians in Corinth
Greetings! I have had a life changing experience here in Corinth. I wish to tell you all what has happened from the time I last posted. After leaving Italy, we traveled quickly and safely to Corinth, where I met a man who changed my life. Paul, an apostle of the living God, taught Aquila and I about Jesus. As a Jew, I had refused to believe Jesus was Messiah. But, seeing Paul's enthusiasm and genuine love for Christ made me rethink about everything. The Lord slowly began working on my heart, and I soon became a Christian. I have been a faithful servant to the Lord for many months now and I give thanks to the Lord for sending us here. Without the expulsion of the Jews, which I thought was TERRIBLE at the time, I probably would not have met Paul. Aquila has accepted too and Paul has invited us to go to Ephesus with him. We leave tomorrow. I know that Lord will work great things through us. Praise and glory to the one and only KING!
Love, Prisca
Love, Prisca
I am writing this in a rush because we are about to leave Italy. A few days ago, Claudius ordered the expulsion of all Jews. It has been said that we have been expelled because "...the Jews were indulging in constant riots at the instigation of Chrestus, he banished them from Rome." What a joke! Aquila and I have hastily packed and are getting ready to leave before we are in severe danger. He says that we will go to Corinth, and I pray that we will travel there safely and without harm.
I don't know when I will be able to write again, but goodbye for now. Hopefully it's not the end.
Love, Prisca
the emperor Claudius
I don't know when I will be able to write again, but goodbye for now. Hopefully it's not the end.
Love, Prisca
the emperor Claudius
Welcome to my blog!
Hello! My name is Priscilla or Prisca. My husband, Aquila, and I have had a very eventful life. Over the next couple of years, I hope to give you a little more information about myself, my background, the present, and of course, my beloved husband. Email me or comment on my blog if you have any specific questions concerning me and my life. Enjoy!
Love, Prisca
Love, Prisca
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